Submission of the doctoral dissertation


Step 1 – procedure at the DSH

After completing the curriculum provided for in the Framework Educational Plan, completing the required number of hours of work practice, achieving the targets of Individual Study Plan and demonstrating knowledge of a modern foreign language at the minimum B2 level:*

  • The student submits (no later than by the deadline set in the Individual Study Plan) to the office of the relevant Doctoral School one copy of his / her doctoral dissertation together with a hand-signed dissertation submission form. The form sections to be completed are the student’s declaration and the opinion of the supervisor(s).
  • The student receives (within a specified time) a certificate signed by the Director of the Doctoral School, acknowledging the achievement of the learning outcomes at level 8 of the Polish Qualification Framework.

Step 2 – procedure at the academic degree awarding unit (Faculty)

Approximately 10 days before the planned date of applying for a doctoral degree (see the list of required documents below) the student contacts an employee of the Faculty responsible for the processing of promotion documents.

A sub-account will be created in the Graduate Works Archive where the student needs to enter his / her dissertation details and upload the dissertation along with abstracts. This is how the dissertation will be delivered to the supervisor who will send it for examination within the Unified Anti-plagiarism System.

The supervisor will check the hard copy of the dissertation for compliance with the electronic version and initiate the examination for copyright infringements. After reviewing reports from these two checks, if the dissertation is sufficiently original, the supervisor will state this fact in the Graduate Works Archive, print a short report, sign it and hand it over to the student.

Step 3 – procedure at the academic degree awarding unit (Faculty)

The student submits an application addressed to the Chair of the Scientific Discipline Council at the Faculty.


The application must include:

  • the student’s personal data;
  • declaration on the discipline / field of study;
  • CV;
  • commendation from the supervisor(s);
  • information about publications**
  • copy of the [master’s] degree certificate;
  • 4 copies of the dissertation and an electronic record of the dissertation;
  • approved report from the Unified Anti-plagiarism System;
  • abstract of the dissertation – in English for Polish-language dissertation OR in Polish and English for English-language dissertation or if the dissertation is not a written work;
  • certificate of achievement of level 8 of the Polish Qualification Framework;
  • certificate of command of a modern foreign language at the minimum B2 level


* Certificate of command of a modern foreign language at the minimum B2 level:

Art. 186(1)(2) of the Act on Higher Education and Science: “(…) whereby the learning outcomes in terms of knowledge of a modern foreign language are confirmed by a certificate or diploma of completion of studies, confirming command of this language at the minimum B2 level.”

Art. 186(1a) of the of the a/m Act: “In order to verify compliance with the requirement referred to in par. 1(2), in the case of a person applying for a doctoral degree who does not have an appropriate diploma or certificate of graduation, the doctoral degree awarding entity may conduct an examination to verify knowledge of a modern foreign language at the B2 level.”

More information

** Publications (described in the relevant form)

Art. 186 of the of the a/m Act: “(3) has published at least: (a) 1 scientific article in a scientific journal or in peer-reviewed materials from an international conference, which in the year the article was published in its final form was included in the list prepared in accordance with the regulations issued pursuant to Art. 267(2)(2)(b); or (b) 1 scientific monograph through a publishing house which, in the year of publication of the monograph in its final form was included in the list prepared in accordance with the regulations issued pursuant to Art. 267(2)(2)(a), or a chapter in such a monograph; or (c) an artistic work of significant importance”


  • The student’s education ends with the submission of his / her doctoral dissertation.
  • The deadline for submitting the dissertation is set in the Individual Study Plan.
  • The submission may be postponed by up to 2 years, on the terms set out in the “Regulations of Doctoral Schools …” (section 14).
  • If the dissertation is not submitted within this deadline, the student will be removed from the list of doctoral students.
  • If the dissertation is submitted ahead of the scheduled graduation date, the student will be paid his / her hitherto received scholarship until the scheduled date but no longer than for 6 months (scholarship paid monthly, up to 48 installments). Students who already have their doctoral degrees are not entitled to scholarship.
  • The procedure for the award of the doctoral degree is initiated at the request of the applicant.


  • Doctoral dissertation submission form
  • Declaration of submission of a doctoral dissertation in English
  • Unified Anti-plagiarism System & Graduate Works Archive – Procedure
  • Unified Anti-plagiarism System & Graduate Works Archive – Employee (enclosure 1)
  • Unified Anti-plagiarism System & Graduate Works Archive – Candidate (enclosure 2)
  • Unified Anti-plagiarism System & Graduate Works Archive – Supervisor (enclosure 3)


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