Education – disciplines



The University’s discipline of archeology extends on the fields of the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. It clearly evolves towards genetic, bioarchaeological and geoarchaeological sciences. Our research (including that financed by international grants), in which doctoral students also participate, implements a program of international cooperation with archaeological centers in Europe and Asia, with particular emphasis on the Mediterranean region. Our specificity is the practice of universal archeology unlimited by contemporary borders. Research directions: cultural development of the European Plain in the Stone Age and the early Metal Age; contacts of the societies of the Pontic zone with the European Plain; connections of the Aegean civilization with Central Europe; archeology of the ancient Near East; the areas of Barbaricum in the periods of Roman influence and migration of peoples; architecture and art of medieval Poland; rock art; history and methodological reflection in archaeology; aerial photography and geographic information systems.


Ethnology and cultural anthropology

The aim of studies in the field of ethnology and cultural anthropology is to acquire and expand knowledge about man as a social being, creating and using culture in its spatially and temporally diverse forms, behind which there are hidden universal human characteristics. The subject of the research are cultural phenomena in connection with social relations in the area of: theory of anthropology and hierarchy of knowledge, mobility and migration, power and social hierarchy, ethnicity and nationalism, society in relation to science and technology (STS) and the climate crisis, regionalisms and cultural heritage, socio-cultural processes in post-colonial countries, medical and visual anthropology, anthropology of memory and postmemory, anthropology of the city, countryside and post-industrial spaces.



Doctoral students of the University’s Faculty of Philosophy benefit from substantive support from researchers with prestige that allows them to shape international scientific discourse and publish in leading scientific journals, such as “Nature”, “Research Evaluation” or “Higher Education”, and publish books in Routledge-class publishing houses. The Faculty is a world-class research center that allows doctoral students to get immersed in the world of science and international research projects related to the fields of humanities and social sciences (research on communication, political philosophy, history of philosophy and philosophy of science).



History as a science is the foundation of the humanities, examining the past in social, economic, political and cultural aspects. Although reflection on the past has accompanied man since the dawn of time, contemporary historical science is a product of modernity, striving to know, understand and master not only the natural and social worlds, but also the past, without which it is impossible to understand the present. The historian community of the University develops a scientific reflection covering most of the research areas of modern historical science, starting from ancient and Byzantine history, the Middle Ages, through the modern era and the 19th century, to the most recent history. On the one hand, research is undertaken in the field of general history (e.g. the history of Czechia, France, Great Britain, Germany and the countries of the former USSR). On the other hand, the Faculty explores the history of Poland from the early Piast era to recent times, which is particularly reflected in extensive regional research. All that is accompanied by methodological and source studies, which is the signature of the Poznań center, as well as research on economic history, cultural history, including modern phenomena in the field of visual culture and, finally, military history.


Cultural and religious studies

Cultural and religious studies is a discipline that conducts research in the field of cultural studies, theater studies and new media studies. The basic research in the area of ​​cultural studies includes: theories and methodologies of cultural studies, including artistic and media practices; philosophy of culture, semiotics, city as a cultural space; cultural policies; performative dimension of culture; art-based methods in animating the cultural environment and diagnosing cultural institutions. The theater studies include research on the history of theater and drama, theater criticism, performances and participatory practices. The new media studies include research on media art and digital culture, as well as inter- and transdisciplinary scientific projects in the field of environmental studies, posthumanism and transhumanism


Art sciences

The art sciences cover two fields of study: art history and musicology. Education in the field of art history is research on art from antiquity to the present day in Europe, the Mediterranean basin and, in the case of modern art, the broadly understood world. We work not only in the field of traditionally understood artistic statements such as architecture, sculpture and painting, but also in new media, exhibition and museology, artistic crafts and design, as well as theoretical reflection on art. We offer access to the latest methodology of humanities research, mediation in national and international expert contacts, as well as access to source materials and works of art that are the subject of individual research. The education in musicology explores music and its materializations in literature, music, theater and fine arts. The doctoral student masters the research skills of a musicologist in terms of subject and methodological specificity, including analytical and interpretive skills and the development of skills specific to a musicologist, such as music criticism and source research. The student may conduct research on music and musical phenomena from various research perspectives, especially historical, anthropological, aesthetic, sociological and psychological.



In a literal sense, theology is the study of God and divine revelation. However, the subject of research is also humanity and the entire reality surrounding man. The study of theology covers historical theology (biblical teachings, patrology, history of the Church, history of dogmas), fundamental theology, systematic theology (dogmatic theology, moral theology, spiritual theology), practical theology (homiletics, catechetics, liturgy, pastoral theology, church law). The primary sources of theology are the Holy Scripture, the tradition of the Church and ancillary sources such as philosophy, belles lettres, signs of the times, people with their life experience and broadly understood culture. Education in the field of theology covers a very wide range of issues, both theoretical and practical. They allow for a fascinating exploration of supernatural mysteries and, at the same time, learning about the dignity and value of humanity and the world around man.

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