Mid-term evaluation

Mandatory for second-year students. The mid-term evaluation in the academic year 2023/2024 will be held on July 3-4, 2024.


  • The student prepares a first-person narrative summary (on the attached form) in which he or she refers to his / her Individual Study Plan.
  • The first-person narrative summary should be duplex-printed in one copy, signed and submitted to the Office by June 20, 2024.
  • In addition, a PDF scan of the summary should be e-mailed to the Office (sdnh@amu.edu.pl) by June 20, 2024. The name of the file should be as follows: Discipline_First name_Last name (e.g. Filozofia_Nowak_Janina).
  • The summary should include a self-assessment of the progress in implementing the Individual Study Plan and specify what has already been done.
  • The summary should come with the supervisor’s feedback.
  • Documents may be signed in one of three ways: handwritten signature, trusted profile or qualified signature.
  • The summary may be written in English.
  • The summary should be accompanied by a list of publications, conferences and other activities (descriptions).


  • The Mid-term Evaluation Committee is composed of 3 independent scientists including 1 expert from outside the University.
  • The Committee will write a report based on the summary and the feedback from the supervisor(s).
  • The Committee will ask 3 questions which will be recorded in the report along with an assessment of the answers. No presentation (of slides, etc.) will be required during the meeting.

The Commission will take the following into account:

  • Implementation of the Individual Study Plan in terms of actions taken and goals achieved;
  • Performance in terms of scientific, teaching and organizational commitment (publications, conferences, grant applications, participation in grant teams, scientific cooperation established, teaching activities, participation in the life of the Department / Faculty / University, plus aspects considered important by the student);
  • Legitimacy of deviations, if any, from the plan;
  • Justification of the schedule for further work on the plan;
  • Answers to the questions from the Committee.

The result of the assessment may be “pass” or “fail”.

The result of the evaluation will be published in the Public Information Bulletin within 7 days and e-mailed to the student.

A detailed schedule and an order of presentations will be announced on the School’s website by May 29, 2024.

After obtaining a “pass” the student will receive an increased scholarship, amounting to 57% of the minimum professor’s salary. The increase will come into effect as of the following month.

The rules for conducting mid-term evaluation are set in Chapter VII, section 16, of the “Regulations of doctoral schools of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań”.


  • Mid-term evaluation – First-person narrative summary
  • Mid-term evaluation – Assessment of the implementation of the Individual Study Plan (for the Committee)
  • Mid-term evaluation – Report from the meeting of the Committee
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