Konkurs IDUB 156 „Umiędzynarodowienie kształcenia w Szkole Doktorskiej”
DZIAŁANIE 2: Zakup książek zagranicznych przez biblioteki wydziałowe dla 7 dyscyplin naukowych
Z przyjemnością ogłaszamy wyniki konkursu na umożliwienie dostępu doktorantkom i doktorantom do publikacji:
Biblioteka Kapusu Ogrody:
„Reframing the Musical Race, Culture and Identity” Sarah K. Whitfield;
„Queer Approaches in Musical Theatre” Ryan Donovan;
„Feminist Approaches in Musical Theatre” Stacy Wolf , Paige Allen;
“African American Perspectives in Musical Theatre” Eric M. Glover;
Stephen Prince, “Apocalypse Cinema (Quick Takes: Movies and Popular Culture)”;
Peter Szendy “Apocalypse-Cinema: 2012 and Other Ends of the World”;
Richard Dellamora, “Postmodern Apocalypse: Theory and Cultural Practice at the End”;
Robert Geal “Ecological Film Theory and Psychoanalysis Surviving the Environmental Apocalypse in Cinema”;
Gaia Giuliani, “Monsters, Catastrophes and the Anthropocene A Postcolonial Critique”;
Gregers Andersen, “Climate Fiction and Cultural Analysis A new perspective on life in the anthropocene”;
Douglas A. Vakoch, “Dystopias and Utopias on Earth and Beyond Feminist Ecocriticism of Science Fiction”
Biblioteka Kampus Morasko:
Howes, D. (2023). *Sensorial Investigations: A History of the Senses in Anthropology, Psychology, and Law.* Penn State Press.
Pink, S., Fors, V., Lanzeni, D., Duque, M., Sumartojo, S., & Strengers, Y. (2022). *Design Ethnography: Research, Responsibilities, and Futures.* Taylor & Francis.
Boholm, A. (2015). *Anthropology and Risk.* Routledge.
Geismar, H., & Knox, H. (2021). *Digital Anthropology.* Routledge.
Shumylovych, B., & Zolkos, M. (2024). *Psychosocial and Cultural Perspectives on the War in Ukraine: Imprints and Dreamscapes.* Taylor & Francis.
Schmidt, B., & Schroeder, I. (2003). *Anthropology of Violence and Conflict.* Routledge.
Willow, A. J., & Yotebieng, K. A. (2020). *Anthropology and Activism: New Contexts, New Conversations.* Routledge.
*Encounters – Embodied Practices.* Berlin: Archive Books.
*Sight Unseen: Visualising the Unseeable through Art and Science.*
James R. Harrison, L. L. Welborn ed., The First Urban Churches 7: Thessalonica, 2022.
Laura Nasrallah, Charalambos Bakirtzis, and Steven J. Friesen ed., From Roman to Early Christian Thessalonikē Studies in Religion and Archaeology, 2010
Oleksii Sokyrko, Kozatskyi Mars. Derzhava ta viisko Kozatskoho Hetmanatu v dobu Militarnoi revoliutsii, 1648–1764, Kyiv Knyharnia Ye 2023.
Vadym Adadurov, Perestavliaiuchy slova u stolittiakh: intelektualna biohrafiia Ilka Borshchaka, Lviv Vydavnytstvo UKU 2023,
Bovhyria Andrii. “Slovo i dilo” : politychni zlochyny ta politychnyi rozshuk v Hetmanshchyni XVIII st., Kyiv: Klio, 2022.
Presenza polacca nell’Italia dell’entre-deux-guerres
„Transport Revolution and Travels to Asia, 1860s-1920s”, ed. Tomasz Ewertowski, Wacław Forajter, Oliwia Gromadzka, ISBN 9781032723365, Routledge 2025.
Mahesh Gogate, „The Sacred Waters ‘of’ Varanasi”, ISBN 9781032523132, Routledge 2024.
Charles Jefferies, „The Colonial Office” ISBN 9781032438764, Routledge 2024.
Carolyn Merchant, „American Environmental History. An Introduction”, ISBN 9780231140348, Columbia University Press 2007.
„Routledge Handbook of the History of Colonialism in South Asia” ed. Harald Fischer-Tine, Maria Framke, ISBN 9781138364844, Routledge 2021.
Use-wear and residue analysis in Archaeology (red. João Manuel Marreiros, Juan F. Gibaja Bao, Nuno Ferreira Bicho) z serii Mannuals in Archaeological Method, Thoery and Technique”
Nadette de Visser ,,Objects in Conflict”
“Eine Geschichte des gemeinschaftlichen. Wohnens Modelle des Zusammenlebens”
“Theorien des Wohnens Eine kommentierte Anthologie”
“The Culture of Knitting”
Engh, L. C., & Aavitsland, K. B. (Eds.). (2024). Standardization in the Middle Ages. Volume
Europe. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Probert, R., & Thompson, S. (Eds.). (2024). Research handbook on marriage, cohabitation and the law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Sabaté, F. (Ed.). (2025). Managing emotions in the Middle Ages. Leiden: Brill.
The Anthropology of Postindustrialism. Ethnographies of Disconnection. Edited By Ismael Vaccaro, Krista Harper, Seth Murray.
“Creating Participatory Dialogue in Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Interpretation: Multinational Perspectives” red. John H. Jameson, Sherene Baugher;
“The Routledge International Handbook of Heritage and Politics”, red. Gönül Bozoğlu, Gary Campbell, Laurajane Smith, Christopher Whitehead;
“Assessing Site Significance A Guide for Archaeologists and Historians, Second Edition”, red. Donald L. Hardesty, Barbara J. Little;
“Rethinking Heritage in Precarious Times Coloniality, Climate Change, and Covid-19”, red. Nick Shepherd;
“Taking Archaeology out of Heritage”, red. Laurajane Smith, Emma Waterton;
“Assessing the Social Values of Heritage Methods in Theory and Practice”, red. Elisabeth Robson;
“The Economics and Finance of Cultural Heritage How to Make Tourist Attractions a Regional Economic Resource”Vincenzo Pacelli, Edgardo Sica;
“Critical Approaches to Heritage for Development”, red. Charlotte Cross, John D. Giblin;
“Heritage is Movement. Heritage Management and Research in a Diverse and Plural World”, Tod Jones;
“Landscape Protection in International Law”, Amy Strecker
The Routledge Companion to Decolonizing Art History
Family Secrets Acts of Memory and Imagination By Annette Kuhn 2002 Decolonial Feminist Research. Haunting, Rememory and Mothers, Jeong-eun Rhee, 2021 Looking In. The Art of Viewing By Mieke Bal, Norman Bryson · 2013 Narratology in Practice By Mieke Bal · 2021 Tlostanova, Madina. 2018. What Does It Mean to Be Post-Soviet? Decolonial Art from the Ruins of the Soviet Empire. N.p.: Duke University Press. Postcolonialism Cross-Examined Multidirectional Perspectives on Imperial and Colonial Pasts and the Neocolonial Present Edited By Monika Albrecht 2019
“Migrant Narratives Storytelling as Agency, Belonging and Community”, Edited By Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich, Anastasia Christou, Silke Meyer, Marie Johanna Karner, Anton Jakob Escher, Routledge 2024
“Film Professionals in Nazi-Occupied Europe. Mediation Between the National-Socialist Cultural ‘New Order’ and Local Structures”, red. Pavel Skopal, Roel Vande Winkel;
Moritz Föllmer “Culture in the Third Reich”;
Gerhard Wolf “Ideology and the Rationality of Domination. Nazi Germanization Policies in Poland”,
“Homosexualität und Staatsraison. Männlichkeit, Homophobie und Politik in Deutschland 1900–1945” red. Susanne Zur Nieden,
(5) Jacob Flaws Jacob “Spaces of Treblinka. Retracing the Death Camp”,
(6) Werner Faulstich “Die Mediengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts”
- Autexier, Mozart et Liszt sub rosa, Poitiers 1984.
- Chailley, The Magic Flute Unveiled: Esoteric Symbolism in Mozart’s masonic Opera, 1992 [1971].
- Chailley, Parsifal de Richard Wagner, opéra initiatique. Paris, 1979.
Explorations in Music and Esotericism, red. Roth Marjorie, 2023
- Thomson, The Masonic Thread in Mozart, London 1977.
John Vervaeke, Christopher Mastropietro, “Awakening From the Meaning Crisis: Part One: Origins”, 2024;
Matthieu Pageau, “The Language of Creation: Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis: A Commentary”, 2018;
David Mathwin, “The Classroom as Cosmos: Teaching as Pattern Application”, 2024